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woman with peacock
oil on door panel, 30 x 80
Aluthea - Goddess of Truth
oil on door, 36 x 80
Venus in the Garden
oil on canvas, 58 x 43
The Unknown Human I
oil on canvas, 48 x 36
48x48, oil on board, sold
The Unknown Human II
oil on canvas, 48 x 36, sold
48 x 60, oil on canvas, sold
oil on canvas, 36x36, sold
seated nude
oil on canvas, 12 x 12
The Nap
oil on board, 48” x 24”
oil on canvas, 36 x 36, sold
6 x 36, oil on canvas
Love (after Danaë)
6 x 36, oil on canvas, sold
6 x 36, oil on canvas, sold
oil on canvas, 24" x 36" sold
Sleeping Girl
60 x 48, oil on canvas
woman in tall grass
oil on canvas, 48" x 24" sold
4seasons nude
oil on 4 canvas, 36"x12" each
oil on canvas, 60 x 48, sold
Woman with Bucket
30 x 40, oil on paper, sold
oil on masonite, 48" x 24", sold
oil on masonite, 48" x 24"
oil on masonite, 48" x 24"
oil on masonite, 48" x 24", sold
oil on canvas, 36" x 24", donated
city future
oil on board, 36" x 48", sold
woman near window
oil on paper, 30" x 24"
woman under water
oil on paper, 48" x 36", sold
Night Whisper
oil on canvas, 36x48
woman in rose garden
oil on board, 48" x 36"
climate change
36" x 24", oil canvas
girl in night garden
oil on canvas, 36" x 24", sold
nude in ny hotel
oil on canvas, 48" x 36"
oil on canvas, 24" x 36", sold
woman in sadness
oil on canvas, 12x12
standing nude
12" x 8", oil on canvas
weeping cherry II
oil on paper, 20 x 30, detail - Love Landscapes, sold
oil on canvas, 20 x 24, donated
Nature's Bride
oil on canvas, 30x40
oil on canvas, 24 x 48
oil on canvas, 60" x 60"
Mossotti's Tomb
oil on canvas, 36 x 48, sold
oil on canvas, 30 x 40
Birth Memory Cycle
“Birth Memory Cycle” was conceived when I was particularly troubled in my life. A dear healer suggested I rest inside the womb of a golden egg. The imagery of this was calming, warm, safe, yet full of a certain tremor, an edge, pregnant with possibilities.
The egg; its perfect shape, narrow at one end gracefully widening to its base, holds compatible polarities. It holds the female energy of fertility and the male energy of procreation, becoming a symbolic container of all that is. –– rebirth, ever-shifting, new possibilities. The opaque yolk cradled by the clear glutinous sac surrounding it, is the fetus luxuriating in its amniotic fluid; a planet gently suspended by the universe or the human soul, walking this earth, surrounded by the ever-present divine atmosphere, all waiting for the inevitable shift.
“Birth Memory Cycle” are paintings based on memories from long ago –– to visually untangle the message being conveyed to me.
oil on doors, 36" x 80" each
egg I
2nd place winner, Art of Darkness, oil on door, 30" x 80", sold
egg II
oil on door, 30" x 80"
veiled existence
oil on door panal, 28" x 80"
night garden
oil on panel, 30" x 80", sold
oil on door, 30" x 78"
oil on door, 36 x 80, sold
Woman at Sea
oil on canvas, framed, 38x50