All of the paintings in this series are circular. I think of the circle as a healing element where we gather and go inward. The circle represents the cycles of circular time connecting our souls to our own prayer of love, with no beginning or end, yet in constant motion upward.
This collection was created for the Azul Trilogy. "Six Doorways for Awakening Love" by Amara Pagano, 2016

“Water/Moon” - Beauty (private collection)
To bask peacefully in nature’s harmony I feel is where we truly reside in the deepest pools of our being. Nothing is separate, but innately linked to our inner beauty, in the ever changing cycles of seasons and lifetimes.

“Flower of Life” - Dedication (private collection)
This painting depicts a woman resting in the womb of the Flower of Life. It is one of the oldest, sacred symbols known to man, and does not belong to a specific culture or religion, but can be found all over the world.
When flow through life is interrupted - my despair often turns to this symbol and its miracle in existing in the human body, plants, animals and even our galaxy. Because of this, I am reminded that I am on a journey far beyond my human comprehension and that I can rest in my dedication to the universal intelligence.
The butterflies represent transformation, metamorphosis and elevation from earthly matters.

“Anima/Animus” - Service (private collection)
To be of service is to be balanced within the masculine and the feminine. One relies on the other in a beautiful symmetry. It is the place of birth, nourishment and endurance.

“Woman of Blue” - Kindness (private collection)
This divine deity (avatar) appears in human form to transmute love to our planet and all living things.

“A Pure State” - Honesty (private collection)
Honesty can feel like an emotion at times, yet I find, in it’s pure form, is a crystal clear idea that directs intention. When the mind is quiet allowing us to enter into deeper truth - honesty reveals our most authentic self.

“Luggage” - Self Responsibility
Through the various phases in our lives we identify with many “ways” of living in this world. We may change our name, career, spouse, sexual orientation, home, beliefs. We are ever-evolving creatures coming closer and closer to our core truth. I like to think of our ancestors as a continuous link in our purpose of discovering our place in the lineage.
Although the cycle of generations has landed in our laps, we may choose to break out of the traditional expectations imposed upon us, seeking a higher truth.